HAUNTED: The Faces of Bélmez

In the summer of 1971, Maria Gomez Pereira noticed a dark stain forming on her kitchen floor - an image that seemed to be that of a human face. Nothing had been spilled and there was no other reason for the stain. Soon after cleaning her floor, the face reappeared. Multiple faces materialized time and time again at the home in Bélmez, Spain over the years. This supernatural phenomenon is known as the Faces of Bélmez.


Bélmez Faces (Wikipedia)

Thoughtography (Wikipedia)

Bélmez Faces: Mystery of the People in the Floor

The House of Faces

Explanations for Belmez Faces

Haunted House Put Up for Sale

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CONSPIRACY: The Stargate Project


HAUNTED: The Phantom Army at Loe Bar